As a person who is so sadly ill-informed on the politics that are consuming our media at the moment, I will not try to give any kind of educated opinion on it. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been paying attention, and watching the debates and all. But really, what the hell are they even talking about most of the time? They over sell their past voting records (why does the senate have 95 votes on the same tax issue btw?), how much their opponent sucks (which the other denies, quoting more voting records), and how their past proves they will fix all of the country’s current woes (while leaving out any real concrete plans).
So what is a Joe Sixpack to think? I am a pop-culture junky after all, and so I get all of my supplemental information from the Today Show, the Daily Show, and all the other shows that only feed you what they want you to think. So, my contribution is a gathering of the highlights, from this junky’s point of view:
Top issues:
1. The economy…aka highly privileged rich people telling you how they are going to fix our failing economy
2. The war…that was kinda supposed to help us gain energy independence…?
3. The energy crisis…(see #2 above)
What we’re really talking about:
1. Obama and his never-ending list of questionable “friends”
2. Michelle Obama’s wardrobe and feisty persona
3. Cindy McCain is hot, wow… how old is she?
4. Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin
5. John McCain… oh wait, no… no, we’re not talking about John McCain (except that he is really old… see #4 above)
Most over used metaphors:
1. Golden Parachute
2. Earmarks
3. Pork barrel spending
4. Main Street
Most over used word:
Everyone say it with me…
Maverick…or Change, depending on your party (really one in the same, aren’t they?)
Phoniest phrases:
1. “I was talking to a small business owner in Des Moines…”
2. My friends
3. Folks (gag me)
A debate I’d really love to see:
In this corner…
Hillary “Pantsuit” Clinton
Sarah “Updo” Palin
Michelle “Fashionista” Obama
Exciting things that have come from this election:
1. For the first time, an African-American is very likely to be the next President of the United States.
2. American citizens are actually fired up, talking about the issues and the candidates, and ready to vote.
Saturday Night Live is on Thursday nights too!