Monday, February 9, 2009

Sound Advice

One of my friends forwarded me her horoscope on Friday, partly because we are both big believers in astrology, and partly because it was unbelievably poignant for her at that moment.

Today you need to put the past behind you. Accept what it was and try to learn from it. There is no way to change it, so you need to settle in and be comfortable with it. What you did (or didn't do) will fade as time progresses, so you need to look ahead and focus on the future. Your patience is strong and it will get you through the rough parts. The people who love you will offer you great distractions too, so meet up with your friends. Remind yourself of all the bright things ahead.

I'm posting it because I think it is a great perspective on any one's life at any time. If you are like me, you have a few nagging regrets or guilty feelings about a variety of things great and small. Oh, how we love to torture ourselves! I should have done this. I need to do that. We just can't help it. Because, as many an Okie will tell you (I'm one by the way, in case you were unclear), worrying is like a rocking chair; it doesn't get you anywhere, but it gives you something to do.

So, let go! I know this horoscope rang true with you on some level. You can admit it. Let go! Get off the rocking chair, peeps and choose to enjoy your day instead! And since I am helping you out in the mental health department, do me a favor and help me out with a picture book idea. C'mon! Just one. It's all I need.

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