Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SYTYCD, week 5ish...

Ish explains a lot about the last few weeks. To use my favorite cliche: when it rains, it pours. Literally. After a festive-family-filled-fourth, we returned home to find a newly flooded basement that had been sitting unattended all weekend. Gross. Two days of cleaning/gutting the basement followed. Fun. Then off to a family wedding in Florida, to be finished off by a true Planes, Trains, and Automobiles experience trying to get back home. Infuriating. (More on that later!) The fridge went out while we were gone, but it's since been fixed and new groceries bought, and barring a natural disaster- knock on wood!- I think (I hope) we're back on track.

Regardless, I've had this post in my head for quite some time and wanted to share no matter the tardiness.

Ok. This was the first week where I was truly blown away by a piece. The dancing and choreography have been great this season, but none that I rewound and rewound again to watch over. Until the holy trinity of Mia Michaels, Kayla, and Kupono came together in this piece about addiction. Mia's choreography and movement perfectly depict an addicted Kayla's struggle with a menacing and damaging Kupono. The piece ends, just as it begins showing the constant downward spiral of addiction. It's brilliant. The dancers move past dancing and into the story of the piece. The piece is emotional, moving, and for a second you forget you're watching dance. Those are my favorite pieces. They are true works of art.

Love, love, love it! By far my favorite piece of the season.

This week also showed me something else quite amazing. As I sat watching the show, I thought, you know, you are becoming quite biased...you think Kayla can do no wrong...you only love this piece because you love Kayla. But then she and Kupono were unfortunatley paired up with choreographer Joey Dowling. And my doubts were tossed out the window. Joey successfully made these two dancers look like ametures. Her dated ideas and movement, paired with completely uninspiring music make me yawn. I was equally unimpressed- I think I actually said to the TV, "Eww!"- the week before when Joey did a piece with Randi and Evan. So she's 0 for 2 in my book. Thank you Joey, for proving that my judgement isn't slipping after all!

Until next week...ish...

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