While reading Harper's Bazaar on the elliptical last week, I stumbled upon this little gold mine. A young fashionista, only 13, whose blog, Fashion Rookie, has rocked the fashion world. Her name is Tavi Gevinson, and let me repeat, is a 13 year old savant. She's featured in not only Bazaar, but Paris Vogue, writes for Pop magazine, is touring the world's fashion events and writing about it along the way. What's craziest is her most excited words are around the fashion she reviews, not the giant article written about her in Paris Vogue.

Clearly she has this genius eye for fashion, but she is an extremely articulate and gifted writer as well. Even if you are not at all interested in fashion, check out her blog! I guess I (and much of the fashion world apparently) am so impressed and interested in her because she's 13! What were you doing when you were 13? The most exciting and noteworthy thing in my life was that my parents finally got call waiting so I could maximize my time on the phone.

I'm just saying, check it out.
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