Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I know, I know...where the hell have I been?!

Well, sadly the computer is still not back. So I've been sans laptop for almost a month. If you'd told me ahead of time that would be the case, I think I may have had a meltdown. It's amazing what can be endured adding a little bit at time. But, good news: the computer comes home tonight! It is back in Denver, ready to be picked up. Everything must now be reloaded, but my baby will at least be back at home.

I must also admit, I've been a little lost in my thoughts as well. Spring always has this effect on me. This season of new beginnings is always an inspiring time, full of possibility and new growth, an opportunity for reflection and clarity.

My bulbs are beginning to sprout and bloom. I think I love my bulbs over all my other flowers because of their sheer perseverance and optimism. All winter they sit in wait, until the time is right to push through the solid soil that blocks their view of the sun. They leave their protective skin behind, forging ahead with a fresh, pale green. That struggle through the dark, lonely space of winter is rewarded with the sweet warmth of the new season, a bright sun that helps them grow into a beautiful bloom. They flourish rooted by their past, encouraged by their future. That future will inevitably bring the cold bluster of fall and winter that will send the plant back underground. Yet each year the bulb breaks through the scarred brittle skin of the past, into a new beginning, willing to take the risk.

How can you not be inspired by such a time? I feel things changing, even more than in past springs. A thousand opportunities lay ahead of me. I'm not really sure what the next year holds, but rooted by my past and encouraged by the warm spring sun, we'll see what unfurls.

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