The only non-perfect thing: upon unpacking and setting up shop for a week, my computer goes into hard drive failure. Oh yes, we lugged it all the way there and back and didn't have the pleasure of using it once. It was just a 5 pound accessory worn through the international concourses between here and Cabo.
But all was not lost, we had our iPhones (the thing in my life that shot to the top of the 10 things I can't live without list within 12 hours of owning it), and a handy Internet cafe, thanks to our ridiculously unbelievable resort. Seriously, I won't even go into explaining how perfect this place was. Thanks again to Harvey, Jess and the boys for inviting us along for the fabulous trip!
Soooo, my computer is in the shop for a bit. I can't promise much between now and it's return home, as I barely won this time on my husband's computer in a fierce arm wrestling match. And also, I'm back training in the double digits for my second half marathon on April 5th. So any spare energy may be spent gorging myself with Easter candy and french fries. I work out for all the wrong reasons. I admit it.
Anyway, enjoy the extra hour of sunlight (yea!) and I'll check in with you soon...
1 comment:
Aww crap, that sucks! Hope the computer gets up and running again soon! I want to see Mexico pics!!! That place looks GORGEOUS. I'm seriously envious.
Ready for 2 straight weeks of CSAP??? Haha I know THAT'S what you wanted to come home to......
Love ya!
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