Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fred makes lemonade: an update

No snow. Sunshine. Green grass.

Ahhh, that's more like it!

I swear I had it all figured out...

In yoga yesterday, the idea of "what do you want?" came up. Not in a specific sense like "what do you want for lunch?" and not in a broad sense like "I want to be happy," but on a more middle ground like, "what do you want to do, where do you want to go, etc, in this life?"

Can I be totally honest with you? Maybe you don't want to get this far into my brain, in which case, stop now and click over to my other page, Currently Coveting. Lots of great 09 clutches, minus the philosophical blah, blah, blah....

Anyway, for those of you still with me, my answer is, I really don't know. I don't know what I want short of a new pair of teal heels, which by the way, have proven very difficult to find. I feel like I have entered the no-mans-land of adulthood, where I have no idea what I'm doing, if I may be so honest. Around 25, 26 I kind of went through this complete emotional overhaul in that I realized that I am here. I have arrived. I finished school, I married the love of my life, I started a career, and then built that career successfully....and now what? My scheming and planning all through out high school and college only got about this far. I think at this point I imagined I would be so in bliss with the house that is my very own, with fresh flowers weekly, and all the newspapers and magazines I could read (actual fantasies of my adult life when I was in college), that happiness and fulfillment would carry through my adult years. Or maybe I just thought I'd figure out all of that once I got there. Well I'm here.

My mom always told me it was so much easier being a kid. Maybe it was. Of course there are so many awesome things about being an adult. But one thing I miss is really not worrying about where to go next. Not that I want someone else to plan out my weeks, months, years for me, but I wish I had more of a clue. I know this much: I want to go back to the classroom full time next year and start a family with Kris in the very near future. And maybe that's answer enough. But those plans are very green and new. So new that it kind of scares me that just four months ago I was certain I was headed down a VERY different path. It's amazing how one decision, one event, one conversation (not even traumatic ones, mind you) can change the very course of your life, and where you see yourself in it.

Do you wish you had clicked over to Currently Coveting earlier? It's ok, you can still bail.

What do I want (in addition to the teal heels, of course)?
to be a writer?
to stay in elementary education?
to live in Denver?
to move home to Summit County?
to travel all summer?
to keep some sanity and stay home all summer?
to be a foster home for dogs?
to volunteer more?
to bag all that BS and read blogs all day?

I spent the whole yoga class racking my brain. What do I want? And it bothered me that I could not decide on a single thing. Maybe I'm being too broad. Maybe the current daily goals of: get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, meditate, converse with the hubby, appreciate my hubby, TiVo my favorite shows, provide stellar instruction to the kids in front of me, find a job back in the classroom, learn how long a trimester actually is, write, read, make plans with my friends, call my family, walk my overweight beagles, fold the laundry before it wrinkles, why is Fred limping?, go to dance competitions, choreograph, learn from and support my writing group, train for races, start planting my spring garden, start composting, is this Friday recycling day?, update Facebook, what the hell is Twitter anyway?, get my roots done, drink enough water, bring grace into my life and the lives around me, search all of effing Denver for teal heels...

...maybe that is enough? Maybe that is what I want, and I'm doing it. Maybe the days of planning out the details of the next 5-10 years are done. Maybe adulthood is about trusting the process, accepting what is now, and choosing to be happy.

Hmmm. Maybe.

Friday, April 17, 2009

End of an Era

I lost a friend this week. A wonderful, reliable, super-cute friend. My lime green Beetle, aka Lime Ladybug, and I have been inseparable since I was twenty. If you know me, you know the Bug- a trademark symbol that displayed my whereabouts and represented me in mind, body, and spirit. Oh, I loved that car.

But alas, my twenties are quite rapidly coming to an end, and I had to say goodbye to my perfect companion.

As the extended warranty ran out last summer and my friend grew older and weaker, I knew our time was running out. I did not want another Beetle, as it seemed time to move on, but what should I get instead? I knew this: It had to be 4-door, cute, and green. As ridiculous as that list may be, those were non-negotiables.

Nearly a year later, the Gecko and I found each other. Meet my new car: the Gecko Green Volvo S40.

This car is totally nice. It has all the newest technology (hello, it turns the headlights on and off by itself...I mean that's pretty cool in my opinion), drives well, and meets my criteria.

But it's not the Bug.

I got the Gecko on Monday. We spent the first day or so co-existing while I mourned. But by yesterday, we were starting to bond. I'm growing to love this new companion. We will enter my 30's, weathering new milestones together. The Gecko will experience things the Bug never did, such as car seats (and all that comes with that dog and pony show). And I will love the Gecko I'm sure.

But the Bug will always hold a special place in my heart.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from Lilly

Hi! I haven't seen you all since Valentine's Day when I came to Colorado for a visit. How's life? Everything is great here! It's Easter, my new favorite holiday! Family, and candy, and cute clothes!

What did you get for Easter? Anything good?

Check out my new Easter dress. I love it. Mom got it from this awesome little boutique by my house.

And look at this fabulous headband! I literally squealed when I saw it!

Yea! I love Easter! I can't wait to show off my new outfit! Everyone is going to love it!!! Happy Easter to you!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Silent e vs. the -er sisters

You probably don't think about it much since you learned to read, but decoding English is tricky. Of course there are rules that my students and I live by, but as we all know, sometimes those rules can lead you astray.

Today, one of my second graders was decoding along, when he got stuck on the word "tired." Like the good little reader I trained him to be, he quickly began breaking the word apart. Unfortunately, rather than finding the "tire" inside the word and applying the silent e rule, he broke it into "t-ir-ed," and applied the -er, -ir, -ur rule instead.

"...turd?" he says looking up at me.

About a split second later, realizing what he had said, he dissolved into giggles. Poor thing could not regain his composure for several minutes, especially because I was laughing too.

Who says following rules isn't fun?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lucky Me

This weekend we were predicted to get another 6 inches of snow.

Happily, we didn't.

My dad and sister Sarah arrived into Denver safely and without delay on Friday.

Dad, Sarah, and hubby

You can see where I get my good looks from.

We did a quick tour of the must-sees/must-eats of Denver and the mountains. And this morning they were here to wish me good luck on my 2nd half marathon before they flew back home.

Danielle and I were able to run The Platte River Half in very decent conditions.

Finally, a picture of me running where I don't look like I'm about to collapse.

Even though I might have felt like I was. Danielle and me post-race.

I didn't improve upon my last race time. But let's face it, that's not really why I train for half marathons.

Ho-ho cupcakes are though!

I topped off a day that started with hugs and well-wishes of encouragement from my family, with mimosas and toastes of congrats from my friends. Not too shabby.

It may be snowing right now, but I can't help but thank Mother Nature for her great timing. And I still have 4 cupcakes left. Lucky me.