Friday, May 15, 2009

The Roller Coaster

You haven't heard too much from me lately because I've been on the Roller coaster of trying to find a new job. Remember when I told you I was looking to go back to the classroom full time? Well, I haven't applied for a new job in seven years. It's been more consuming than I remember.

Apply some more
Rumors of an interview
No call
No call
No call
Sigh, oh well
An interview- Yes!!!
Wait, an interview?! Crap, what am I going to say?!
Prep, worry, breath, prep
Interview... question #1- no prob!, question #2, 3, 4- still hanging in there, question #5- Oh no, I hate this question...and now I'm wandering aimlessly- get back on track!!!...ok, survived that one, but used most of my energy reserves, question #6- "What else should we know about you and do you have any questions for us?"! I just want to get out of here! Ask something intelligent to make up for your Paula Abdul impression during question #5...ok, finished! Wait, you want to come observe week?! Of course, absolutely, remain calm and charming...
Drive home and analyze everything I said and didn't say
Continue this through the evening, determine that I made quite a fool of myself
Analyze, worry, poor hubby
Whatever, moving on... it is what it is
You interviewed 10 and observed 5, (wow, guess the interview didn't go as badly as I thought!) and you'll have a decision by Friday at the latest?!
Walking on clouds
Another interview at another school- great!- but hopefully I have an answer from other school first...?
We still haven't made a decision and will have an answer for you by Monday...

This is all I've been doing, people. And it's sucking my creativity straight out of my ears, so sorry, this is all you get until Summer Break. Only 9 more days of school left...

P.S. I'll keep you posted on the Roller coaster.
P.P.S. Also, accept my apologies if all of the above makes no sense at all.

1 comment:

Mrs. B. said...

Hang in there, chica. You can do it! You WILL do it! :) And P.S. You have me curious... Paula Abdul impression???