So let me try to catch you up. Days following my last post I floated along, distracted with elation, but did an occasional "Woo hoo!" when the idea of scoring my Kindergarten job came crashing over me again. Ahhh... that ate up a few days.
Over Memorial day, my girlfriends and I went to Scottsdale, AZ to celebrate our 30th birthdays that have begun to transpire this year. We sat by the pool, shopped, went to the spa, dressed up and went to dinner, went to a club... There were four of us to the room, and access to an executive sweet with free wine and beer. Thus, getting ready to go out each night was quite a tipsy production. Needless to say, I only lost a comb while I was there. Upon hearing this, my hubby asked, "You use a comb?!" Yes, I use a comb. I don't have much hair, alright!?
On Memorial Day itself I ran the Bolder Boulder with my mom. Either she's gotten faster or I was still hungover from the weekend in AZ...
Then, last Wednesday my friend Allison and I went to the No Doubt concert here in Denver.
I hate to say it, but- OMG!!!! Sorry, but that's the best way to describe it. First of all, you must know that I bought the most rockstar tickets I will ever have the rest of my life. I did this by- brace yourself- joining the No Doubt Tour Club. Yep, I did it. But aside from the cool, dorky benefits I will choose to leave out, I got to buy tickets to the concert before they went on sale to the public. The result was 20 feet away from the band- not the stage- the band aka GWEN!!!
I have to take a deep breath here, because I'm starting to get excited all over again. Those who have known me for a while know that I have had an unhealthy obsession with Gwen Stefani and No Doubt since I was about 15. So, the fact that she was SOOOOO CLOSE to me the entire show was... well, let's just say I'll remember it the rest of my life. I now know that she has freckles on her arms, gets runs in her tights like the rest of us, is as beautiful up close as she is in the media, and she can still effing rock!
Ok, I'm finished dorking out. I promise.
Anyway, since then I've moved out of my old school and met with my new Kindergarten team. My new classroom is beautiful and overwhelming all at once. Also, Sunday the hubby and I went up to Lake Dillon, where my parents rented a boat and we hung out for the afternoon. It started raining the minute we got off the lake.
I am finally doing laundry (maybe in a month? Oh, let's hope not...) and putting my suitcases away from my trip. It's day two of summer vacation, and I am happy.
You've got to admit, that's a good month!
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