It's daily work of course, to recognize all that you have to be grateful for. It is very easy to get caught up in the morning rush hour, the annoying coworker, the cup of coffee you dropped down the stairs on your way out the door. But really, make a point to remember the big picture. It puts things in perspective.
I feel very lucky to have landed in the life I did. I was born in America in a time when women have equal opportunity and rights. I am (knock on wood) healthy. I have a family who raised me with love, paid for dance lessons, and put me through college. I was fortunate enough to find the love of my life very early. I have precious little beagles, and scads of friends and family who love and support me. I truly have a great life. And I tell myself that everyday.
This time of year, my kids at school always do projects declaring what they are thankful for. Inevitably it is a list of: my cat, my PS3, my bike, ice cream. And to a 7-year-old who hasn't yet realized "the big picture," those are the most important things in their lives. And why shouldn't they be?
So I was thinking, what might my short-and-sweet-list be? Aside from my good fortune and the people/animals in my life, these are the things I couldn't live without:
(In order of importance, believe it or not)
1. chap stick- simple I know, but seriously, I could not live in Denver and be without chap stick at any time
2. my phone
3. books
4. my laptop-especially the Internet
5. dark chocolate
6. lotion- see #1
7. soy milk
8. sunshiny days
9. blow dryer
10. music
Though I know it sounds odd to say, I give thanks for my blow dryer, I would look like a drown rat most of the time with out it. Priorities people.
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. for those of you paying attention... Starbucks would be #11!
1 comment:
Hehe, so I follow a lot of scrapbooking blogs, and just minutes after reading your 2 latest posts, I came across this... weirdly coincidental, or something, huh? :) Miss you!!!
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