Thursday, June 25, 2009

SYTYCD, week 3

Ok, so I'm completely late with this post, but my basement flooded on Thursday due to the flash flooding in my neighborhood, so blogging kind of got pushed to the last priority. Also, it's been a full house around here. I'm dog sitting for my parents this week, so the monster dogs are back.

They are not monsters because they are bad- in fact they are the sweetest 100+ pound labs you've ever met. But they are BIG in my little house. We've been having fun. You might remember meeting Boomer last summer. This year, he is joined by Pistol Pete (as in the OSU Cowboy Pistol Pete, to compliment Boomer Sooner of OU, of course! Have I ever mentioned I'm from Oklahoma...?)

Anyway, I mention my house guests because Pete confirmed that Mary Murphy has the most irritating voice on the planet. Yes, I think she is very knowledgeable and probably a great dancer in her time, but wow, her voice grates across me like nothing else. Usually, I am able to fast forward though her part after each dance. Unfortunately, I was watching Wednesday night's show live, so Pete and I had to endure the screaming. I swear to you, every time she spoke (or screeched) Pete would stand up and look around with his ears back and a scared look on his face.
Here he is looking quite calm and collected, but I'd say he did not enjoy the show. Sorry, Pete.

My pick for week three was the quirky Mia Michael's piece danced by Randi and Evan. However, my tardiness in posting this week paid off, because probably my favorite piece would be the Thursday night opening group piece choreographed by Dimitri, Tabitha and Napoleon. I appreciated the little hint of Flashdance-esque flare. Enjoy!
Until next week (or I guess later this week) dance fans...

Sad Day

Thriller was my first tape, and MJ was my first love.

Rest in peace, Pop King.

A bit more on Feathers

I have recieved an unexpected amount of feedback on the recent post about friendship. Honestly, I almost didn't write about it at all. I wondered if anyone else could relate or understand my thoughts. Also, I did not know if it was appropriate, as I want to remain respectful of the relationship that once was. But when something consumes my thoughts for as long as this did, I can't help but write about it.

Surprisingly, people from all different corners of my life have left comments, emailed, or even caught me in Starbucks to discuss the questions I posed in the post. And I found that I'm not alone in these struggles. Almost everyone told me, "I was in a situation like that once..."

One piece of advice that left an impression on me came from a friend from high school via Facebook. I thought it was worthy of sharing with you:

"I've got another saying for you: friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Some seasons are long (like 'the years I was defining myself in this world') but they are nonetheless temporary. All I would say is to say 'goodbye,' but leave yourself open to crossing paths some time in the distant future when every one's feathers have changed again. Don't feel guilty, just give that time and energy to someone or something else more deserving and healthier for you."

Thanks to all for your thoughts, feelings, and words of advice.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The poll is back!

Just for fun, I added the poll gadget to the right side of the blog again. I was inspired by this new random app I downloaded on my iPhone called What Would You Choose?. It plays the choose-the-lesser-of-two-evils game. I'll share the most intriguing ones with you guys. Make sure to vote! I'm interested to find out what makes my readers tick... heehee...

SYTYCD, week 2

Oh yes, we've moved on to the abbreviation. So You Think You Can Dance, has always been a ridiculous title, if you ask me. But an awesome show! And last night did not disappoint!

My favorite routine from last night was Sonya's jazz danced by Melissa and Ade. It was weird and cool and very well executed!

Until next week dance fans...

Birds of a feather...

...flock together.

But what happens when one of the birds changes color? Maybe it doesn't happen over night, but rather over time, and one day you look over to see your fellow flock mate a startling orange when they used to be a more subdued teal, such as yourself. They are quite a different bird, now at odds with the flock. But do your past journeys bind you together regardless?

I consider myself a good friend. No, I am not perfect (a fact that is absurdly difficult for me to accept), but my intentions are well founded. I believe that friends should be the bright spots in one's life, and I try to be that for mine. I read recently that friends are the family you get to choose. But I've also heard some theories that friendship has a shelf life. People drift in and out of your life, bringing with them lessons and value while they are there.

So, get to the point, Christie. What is my issue? I have recently experienced a break-up with a friend, a flock mate, and while I feel confident in my decisions, guilt remains.

My biggest question is this: Is it ever ok to give up on a friend? If friends are the family you get to choose, then no. But I'm not sure I buy that. I am a strong believer in another cliche: blood is thicker than water. I will fight to maintain any and all of my relationships with family. If all else fails, agree to disagree. And see, I don't feel like that's acceptable with friendship. If you're merely agreeing to disagree, where is the goodness and brightness that was once brought into your life by this person? When friendship becomes more effort than it's worth, do you stay? When difference dissolves love, what do you do? Should friendships be work? At some point do you enter into an unspoken agreement that you are tied for life, now responsible for friending this person, no matter what? The divorce rate says that isn't the case with a mate. Should it be with a friend?

Maybe my feathers are the ones that changed hues overtime. I am willing to accept that. This in mind, I tried to change my perspective, see the value in the relationship in its evolved state. But, I take responsibility for my own happiness, and I expect that others do the same. When a friend begins to depend on me for happiness, to do or say the right things, that's no longer friendship. That is dependence. Don't misunderstand support with dependence. Support is helping a friend through a difficult, short-lived period in their life. Dependence is an ongoing draining of energy, with little to nothing in return.

So, does that make me a good friend, or a fair-weather friend? I guess that depends on your definition of friendship. I am trying to let the guilt slide off of my teal feathers, because that is who I am. I do care about others. And I really did try. But at some point, it is ok to let go...right?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

Alright, of course I'm a HUGE fan of this show. Would you expect anything less? And since my husband insists on "accidentally" erasing my favorite pieces from the show, I thought I would store them here. And share them with you, of course.

I will not be offended if you skip over these posts. Dance is not for everyone. But for you closet dance fans- enjoy!

My fav piece of this week is the samba routine danced by Max and Kayla, choreographed by Louis van Amstel. I don't even like ballroom, but this one is awesome! Kayla is from Aurora- so I'm a bit biased- and I really liked the pink costume (not a good reason to like a piece, but it definitely topped it off for me!). A close second was the opening hip hop danced by Jeanine and Phillip, choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon. These two are so together and sharp. I was impressed.

Until next week, dance fans...

Can I gush for a minute?

So, even though I have been in the field of education for a while, I am still totally shocked at how nice my new school is. I'm not sure if it's because it's the newest school in the district and so all the new bells and whistles are still in tact, or if the administration spends their money in different ways, or what the difference is. But there is such a massive difference.

For example: my classroom.

Not only is it new and nice with vaulted ceilings, working computers for the kids, a teacher's computer/work station with the fanciest new document camera- ooh, ahh- but it's packed to the gills with furniture and supplies. I spent two hours in there today going through all the different supplies, games, books, tools, you name it, and only got through about half of it.

The day I stepped into my very first classroom- 3 days before school started, mind you- at my old building, there was nothing. Nothing! But desks. And crickets. We scavenged for any and all beat up, burnt-orange and olive, gross cabinets and shelves and were proud when we spent way too much of our own money on a few new phonics game for our students.

This is what I'm used to. Can you see my excitement?!

Again, I really don't know why there is such a HUGE difference. But I'm not complaining. I'm half way waiting for it to all disappear. It's too good to be true.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Colbert takes it off

Just had to share this. Because I love both of them. Because it's cool. And because I love when a person can make fun of themselves.

Colbert shaves his head per orders from the Pres himself.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Multiple choice with Lilly

What is Lilly doing?

a. Learning to wink
b. Eating a lemon
c. Practicing the Force
d. Doing an impression of Paula Abdul
Please scroll down for the answer...

If you guessed b. eating a lemon, you are correct!

Tell them what the win, Lilly!

May 2009

Wholly schmolly, I haven't posted a blog in FOREVER! You have to understand that I meant to, but this has been one of the craziest months of my life- in a good way!

So let me try to catch you up. Days following my last post I floated along, distracted with elation, but did an occasional "Woo hoo!" when the idea of scoring my Kindergarten job came crashing over me again. Ahhh... that ate up a few days.

Over Memorial day, my girlfriends and I went to Scottsdale, AZ to celebrate our 30th birthdays that have begun to transpire this year. We sat by the pool, shopped, went to the spa, dressed up and went to dinner, went to a club... There were four of us to the room, and access to an executive sweet with free wine and beer. Thus, getting ready to go out each night was quite a tipsy production. Needless to say, I only lost a comb while I was there. Upon hearing this, my hubby asked, "You use a comb?!" Yes, I use a comb. I don't have much hair, alright!?

On Memorial Day itself I ran the Bolder Boulder with my mom. Either she's gotten faster or I was still hungover from the weekend in AZ...

Then, last Wednesday my friend Allison and I went to the No Doubt concert here in Denver.

I hate to say it, but- OMG!!!! Sorry, but that's the best way to describe it. First of all, you must know that I bought the most rockstar tickets I will ever have the rest of my life. I did this by- brace yourself- joining the No Doubt Tour Club. Yep, I did it. But aside from the cool, dorky benefits I will choose to leave out, I got to buy tickets to the concert before they went on sale to the public. The result was 20 feet away from the band- not the stage- the band aka GWEN!!!

I have to take a deep breath here, because I'm starting to get excited all over again. Those who have known me for a while know that I have had an unhealthy obsession with Gwen Stefani and No Doubt since I was about 15. So, the fact that she was SOOOOO CLOSE to me the entire show was... well, let's just say I'll remember it the rest of my life. I now know that she has freckles on her arms, gets runs in her tights like the rest of us, is as beautiful up close as she is in the media, and she can still effing rock!

It. Was. Awesome.

Ok, I'm finished dorking out. I promise.

Anyway, since then I've moved out of my old school and met with my new Kindergarten team. My new classroom is beautiful and overwhelming all at once. Also, Sunday the hubby and I went up to Lake Dillon, where my parents rented a boat and we hung out for the afternoon. It started raining the minute we got off the lake.

I am finally doing laundry (maybe in a month? Oh, let's hope not...) and putting my suitcases away from my trip. It's day two of summer vacation, and I am happy.

You've got to admit, that's a good month!