Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes, yes y'all

Holy crap you guys, I did it! I ran a half marathon. 13 miles! Sunday. I’m kinda too tired to write much more, but here are some highlights:

Here's me and my friend Danielle at about mile 3, still looking spry and bright-eyed. 20 points for those of you who can actually pick me out of this picture. Here's a hint, there's only two of us looking at the camera (thanks Kris!)...

Da-da-daaa, da-da-daaaa (cue the Rocky theme). Crossing the finish line. Check out how D's feet aren't even touching the ground!

Danielle, our rock-star-full-marathon-runner-amiga Heather, me :), and our adoring fans, Kari and Nic. I can barely walk at this point.

The Denver Marathon in numbers:

8,000 runners participated

13 countries represented

46 states represented

5,280 miles above sea level in Denver

26.2 miles for a full marathon

13.1 miles for a half marathon

3 months I trained

2 hours and 6 minutes was my final time for the half (yea!)

9:45 average minute mile

2 hours and 22 minutes was the final winning time for full marathon runner Basweti Jynocel (that’s only 16 minutes more than my time, plus 13 more miles, but who’s counting?)

5:25 average minute mile for Basweti (for 26 straight miles!)

1 hour and 10 minutes was the final winning time for half marathon runner Joel Hamilton

5:23 average minute mile for Joel

4 or 5 (I lost count) mimosas I enjoyed at brunch after the race

2 hour nap I took after the mimosa indulgence

Yes, yes y'all.


Dani said...

YAAAAAAY I'm soooo proud of you! :)

carrie said...

how did it compare to your 3 mile in tulsa? ha ha! congrats big sis, your AWESOME!!!!