Monday, July 27, 2009

Hi, sorry I've missed you. I've stepped off the planet for a little bit, but if you'd like to leave a message...

It's that time again. I'm headed to another 10 day meditation course, or "silent camp" as my friends call it. It's a chance for me to reboot myself and start anew when I get back in August. I will get back just in time to head back to school, where I will begin my new job teaching Kindergarten (remember my amazing new job and classroom?!), which in itself is a rebooting of my career. I feel like many things are turning over in these last 6 months of my 20's and it's very exciting. I watched my husband play all weekend with my baby niece Lilly, and can't help but look forward to starting my own family soon. So, I feel like this meditation course is the start of many new beginnings. And I'm pretty psyched about it.

One of the benefits of practicing meditation is learning to live in this moment, to observe all the good (and bad) that is now. And so before I get too wrapped up in the things to come, I have to remind myself to appreciate my life as it is today. Writer Terri Trespicio, contributor to this month's body + soul magazine had this to say about this July day:

"There's something slippery about summer. And that's the beauty of it: a season so moody and brilliant, so frivolously sensual and bold that it eludes your every effort to contain it. Instead, it wraps you in abundance, in swaths of sunlight and long, lazy hours- none of which is really ever yours to keep. Therein lies the lesson: While fall inspires nostalgia and winter a longing for warmth, summer has an endless amount to give, if only we can stand still and receive it. This season, resist the urge to control every last vestige of time. Instead, practice letting life spin around you in bright, concentric circles, filling your attention with light."

And so, I wish for you the ability to stand still and receive all that summer (and any other day for that matter) has to offer. Get out of your own way, for even just a few minutes, and observe all the unnoticed amazing moments that slip in and out of your everyday. I will be trying as much when I step off the planet for a bit of perspective and restoration.

See you in a couple of weeks!

SYTYCD, week 8 and beyond

Though Tyce Diorio's piece about breast cancer, danced by Ade and Melissa, was a beautiful contemporary piece and the sentimental favorite of the night, my personal pick was quite the opposite. Laurieann Gibson choreographed a pop jazz piece that had no story, no gimmick, and very little partner interaction. Yet, the choreography was dynamic and Jeanine and Brandon performed it with so much precision and strength that it gets my vote. It was an awesome piece.
Also, you all know how I feel about Kayla, but Jeanine has been sneaking up as the finale comes closer. As brilliant as Brandon is, I found myself unable to look away from Jeanine. I'm really digging her right now, and may change my vote. I know! Shocking news, right?!

Now, I will be out of town for the next two weeks (see next blog :) and will miss the finale (which means I won't be able to vote for Kayla or Jeanine- sad!). Watching the missed episodes will be at the top of my list upon returning, but in the meantime, there better not be anyone sending me emails or texts saying, "OMG! Can you believe ____ won?!" Because I might mortally wound whoever who makes that mistake. I will post my own OMG! reaction after I've watched the finale. That will be your cue to start commenting away. Until then, mum's the word.

Enjoy, dance fans!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't forget to vote!

New poll ---------->

Check it out!

SYTYCD, week 6

If you watched season 2, you know Travis Wall. He was robbed of the title, coming in second.

No matter. He's back, and bringing awesome choreography with him!

My fave piece of this week was Travis Wall's piece danced by Jeanine and Jason. This is the first week I've really even noticed Jason. These two got a lucky break when they shed their old partners and were paired up together. They have a great chemistry and showcase each other really well.


Until next week, dance fans...

"My apologies" if you work for an airline

To pick up my whining where I left off in the last post...can I talk for a minute about the airlines?

The worst part is, this conversation is a vicious circle:

1) Airline customer service, business plan, operations, baggage handling, scheduling, rescheduling, etc., is shamelessly pathetic. In fact, it borders on irresponsible. The day when the industry is finally regulated by the government and travelers have rights can't come soon enough. I hate flying, and I'm not giving the airlines my money anymore.

2) But I have a cousin's wedding in Florida. Every one's going. I can't be the only jerk who doesn't show because I don't feel like dealing with the Russian Roulette we call traveling these days.

3) I'm sitting in an airplane in Panama City, FL, which has an airport so small there is no direct flight from Denver. We have a connection in Atlanta. Any experienced flier knows that connections are usually the place where the problems occur. Sure enough, Atlanta is experiencing heavy storms. We are grounded- in the airplane of course- for the next 40 minutes. Finally in the air, and now, still due to the storms, we have to circle the airport for another 40 minutes. We only have enough fuel for that long, so we may be diverted to Columbus. Miraculously we land in Atlanta, 30 minutes after our connection left. How, pray tell, did our connection leave- ON TIME!- when we have been circling the airport?!

We are scheduled for a 6:20 flight the next morning, with no hotel offered. So we get on the standby list for 9:55 later that night, which is of course delayed...and delayed more...and delayed more...and at this point the crew of the flight has been working too long- at least they have some rights- and so they are calling in a new yes, the flight is delayed more, scheduled for 2:30 am. Also it is, for whatever reason, about 43 degrees in the airport where we sit for more than six hours. Delta has left one poor soul to keep delivering bad news and no blankets, but only "our apologies." How about some kind of compensation for this ridiculous inconvenience?! No they can't control the weather, but rain is pretty common. You mean to tell me, this is your only plan?! And why are your idiot customers- myself included- still keeping you in business?!?!

Why because they've got us by the short hairs, don't they. All the airlines run a miserable business so there is really no need to improve to keep up with competition. And we're not going to stop traveling. The airlines themselves are all near or in bankruptcy, their staff is overworked and abused, and the customers pay a lot of money and may or may not receive a quality service. We are in a mutual love/hate relationship at the moment.

We arrive at the Denver baggage claim about 5:15 the next morning. I am too tired and worn down to care that my bag even arrived- always a pleasant surprise- much less that it is completely soaking wet, apparently left in the torrential downpour in Atlanta for 6 hours. Perfect.

4) After this top-5-worst-travel-experience-ever, I swear I am never giving Delta, or any other airline my money! I am done with traveling!

5) But next weekend I'm flying to Dallas, and then Lilly's 1st birthday is in August, and my grandfather's service is in October, and then Thanksgiving, and then...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SYTYCD, week 5ish...

Ish explains a lot about the last few weeks. To use my favorite cliche: when it rains, it pours. Literally. After a festive-family-filled-fourth, we returned home to find a newly flooded basement that had been sitting unattended all weekend. Gross. Two days of cleaning/gutting the basement followed. Fun. Then off to a family wedding in Florida, to be finished off by a true Planes, Trains, and Automobiles experience trying to get back home. Infuriating. (More on that later!) The fridge went out while we were gone, but it's since been fixed and new groceries bought, and barring a natural disaster- knock on wood!- I think (I hope) we're back on track.

Regardless, I've had this post in my head for quite some time and wanted to share no matter the tardiness.

Ok. This was the first week where I was truly blown away by a piece. The dancing and choreography have been great this season, but none that I rewound and rewound again to watch over. Until the holy trinity of Mia Michaels, Kayla, and Kupono came together in this piece about addiction. Mia's choreography and movement perfectly depict an addicted Kayla's struggle with a menacing and damaging Kupono. The piece ends, just as it begins showing the constant downward spiral of addiction. It's brilliant. The dancers move past dancing and into the story of the piece. The piece is emotional, moving, and for a second you forget you're watching dance. Those are my favorite pieces. They are true works of art.

Love, love, love it! By far my favorite piece of the season.

This week also showed me something else quite amazing. As I sat watching the show, I thought, you know, you are becoming quite think Kayla can do no only love this piece because you love Kayla. But then she and Kupono were unfortunatley paired up with choreographer Joey Dowling. And my doubts were tossed out the window. Joey successfully made these two dancers look like ametures. Her dated ideas and movement, paired with completely uninspiring music make me yawn. I was equally unimpressed- I think I actually said to the TV, "Eww!"- the week before when Joey did a piece with Randi and Evan. So she's 0 for 2 in my book. Thank you Joey, for proving that my judgement isn't slipping after all!

Until next week...ish...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

SYTYCD, week 4

So, yeah, it's been a rough couple of days.

But I got up this morning, blogged, and then watched SYTYCD on my couch, tea in hand. Nothing could make me feel better than that.

As usual, I'm nothing if not consistent. My fav is another Sonya piece, and another Kayla and Kupono piece. The three together might be the perfect combination. Sonya has such amazing musicality, and her style is that great mix of ugly and fabulous. And Kayla is just sick. Absolutely sick. She and Kupono have a very similar aesthetic. I like it. So that's my pick-Sonya's vampire piece danced by Kayla and Kupono. Enjoy!

Until next week...

P.S. Do you want an early prediction for the final two? (in whisper voice) Kayla and Brandon!


The world lost a great man yesterday
He was warm, generous, genuine, and admirable
He had an open heart that radiated warmth to anyone near
He lived through the dust bowl, war, loss and disease, and yet
He always found the beauty and good in his life
He was a man of deep faith and few words
He wore a button down shirt and slacks every day, except when he gardened, upon which he wore jeans
He worked well into his eighties and was forever a student of new things
He and his dog Lady were hospice workers, who brought joy and compassion to those who needed it most
He ate out every meal, frequenting the same places who eventually named sandwiches after him, and
He always cut the crusts off ours
He was an artist
He was the officiant of my wedding
He was the best person I’ve ever known
He was James Benjamin Wright, my grandfather
And he will be greatly missed