Thursday, June 25, 2009

A bit more on Feathers

I have recieved an unexpected amount of feedback on the recent post about friendship. Honestly, I almost didn't write about it at all. I wondered if anyone else could relate or understand my thoughts. Also, I did not know if it was appropriate, as I want to remain respectful of the relationship that once was. But when something consumes my thoughts for as long as this did, I can't help but write about it.

Surprisingly, people from all different corners of my life have left comments, emailed, or even caught me in Starbucks to discuss the questions I posed in the post. And I found that I'm not alone in these struggles. Almost everyone told me, "I was in a situation like that once..."

One piece of advice that left an impression on me came from a friend from high school via Facebook. I thought it was worthy of sharing with you:

"I've got another saying for you: friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Some seasons are long (like 'the years I was defining myself in this world') but they are nonetheless temporary. All I would say is to say 'goodbye,' but leave yourself open to crossing paths some time in the distant future when every one's feathers have changed again. Don't feel guilty, just give that time and energy to someone or something else more deserving and healthier for you."

Thanks to all for your thoughts, feelings, and words of advice.

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